Lab News


Alison McBride, PhD

Alison McBride, PhD

Dr. Alison McBride, PhD is a Senior Investigator and Section Chief in the Laboratory of Viral Diseases at NIAID. Dr. McBride received a PhD in biochemistry from the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and Imperial College, UK, studying Epstein-Barr virus. She began working on human and other papillomaviruses as a postdoctoral fellow in the National Cancer Institute and joined NIAID in 1994. She became a Senior Investigator in the Laboratory of Viral Diseases in 2000, and a section chief in 2001. Dr. McBride is also a member of the Virology Graduate Program at the University of Maryland as adjunct faculty, and has previously served as co-director of the NIH-Georgetown University Partnership Program. She is a fellow in the American Academy of Microbiology; section editor for PLOS Pathogens; and an editor for Virology.

Dr. McBride’s work focuses on mechanisms by which extrachromosomal human papillomavirus (HPV) genomes are established, partitioned, and amplified during persistent infection. The role of host intrinsic immunity, and DNA damage response and repair pathways in HPV DNA replication and the analysis of the mechanism and consequences of viral genome integration in HPV-associated cancers.