RF3 Standing Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting https://gladstone.zoom.us/j/98362080229?pwd=RFN6Y0Y2dHpYVmdRRkx3TmtsY0ZKZz09 Meeting ID: 983 6208 0229 Passcode: 841371

RF2 Standing Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting https://gladstone.zoom.us/j/98157722037?pwd=Z2twOGFObG1WbnZYdWw0ZEQxbkZqQT09 Meeting ID: 981 5772 2037 Passcode: 740159

RF1 Standing Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting https://gladstone.zoom.us/j/96648586131?pwd=eU5aaDhmMDVkSzRwMmJZQ2hJemFoZz09 Meeting ID: 966 4858 6131 Passcode: 382899

Collaboratory-Wide Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting https://gladstone.zoom.us/j/99683444052?pwd=cG1kbURTN1dPT0VPbmNOaUVoYUZZdz09 Meeting ID: 996 8344 4052 Passcode: 771811

Viral Infections & Inflammation Workshop 2024

The Viral Infections & Inflammation Workshop 2024, will take place as a live meeting from 26 - 27 September 2024 in Washington D.C., United States. It brings together basic, translational, and clinical researchers to disseminate the latest knowledge in this area and fuel discussion on the many remaining unknowns in order to catalyze future research.   https://academicmedicaleducation.com/meeting/viral-infections-inflammation-workshop-2024

HOPE Guest Speaker – Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen

Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen, Ph.D. Abdel-Mohsen’s research focuses on understanding the role of host glycosylation machinery in viral persistence and immunopathogenesis. Abdel-Mohsen joined The Wistar Institute as an Assistant Professor in 2017 after completing his Ph.D. and postdoctoral training at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and the Blood Systems Research ...

HOPE Guest Speaker- Dr. Ivan D’Orso

"Transcriptional regulatory mechanisms shaping HIV-1 proviral fate" Ivan D'Orso, PhD Professor, Department of Microbiology UT Southwestern Medical Center The D’Orso lab has extensive experience in studying mechanisms of gene regulation in the context of human health and disease. Two major areas of study have been: 1) the characterization of mechanisms ...

Collaboratory-Wide Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting https://gladstone.zoom.us/j/99683444052?pwd=cG1kbURTN1dPT0VPbmNOaUVoYUZZdz09 Meeting ID: 996 8344 4052 Passcode: 771811